Saturday, July 28, 2007

California Summer

We had some friends from Utah visit us the week before last and then I left my camera in my Dad's car, but I'm back to blogging. We had fun with our friends and went to the beach everyday. Wyatt is most at home at the beach.
Jeff went boogeyboarding with the kids.
This year was the first time in a long time I went in the water. I love it. I don't know if it's my new insulation, but everytime I go to the beach I have to get in and join in on the fun. Wyatt said I was the best boogeyboarder ever.

The boys have a new found passion, SURFING. They both got up the first time out.
Wyatt wants to go to the beach EVERYDAY. He wakes up and comes running into my bedroom and asks if we are going to the beach. We love California Summer's!


KickButtMommy said...

Wow! Surfing. That sounds like so much fun. I actually would love to try that but don't know if I will in this lifetime. I don't think CHristian is as adventurous as your boys! Maybe that is an innate quality.

Charlotte said...

The boys have done a great job!!!

About Me

I have 3 wonderful boys in my life, my husband and 2 kids. I'm a stay at home mom who loves to scrapbook, decorate and have fun.